Want Me To Review Your Technique?
Upload your Video
Upload your video onto a Google Drive or a Dropbox folder and send me THE LINK by filling out the upload form (see right). NOTE: Video must be less than 1min long.
Consent to Review
By uploading your video, written or photo submission or likeness ("the content") to this page, you agree and consent to Michelle C. Smith or Freestyle Staff Spinning (Ninja Cat Enterprises Inc.) to use of the video, written or photo submission or likeness in any publication, video, pamphlet or promotion.
By submitting any content via this page, you also agree and understand that you will not receive separate compensation or consideration from Michelle C. Smith or Freestyle Staff Spinning for the permission granted in this Consent nor for the actual publication or use of my video, photograph, written submission or likeness. By agreeing to this Consent, you understand you are releasing Michelle C. Smith, Freestyle Staff Spinning or Ninja Cat Enterprises from any and all liability that may occur as a direct or indirect result of "the content", the release of my identity, or the public relations materials, including but not limited to the use of any quotations.
Don't worry, I'll take care of anything you send me. Content will only be used on websites and publications related to Michelle C. Smith and Freestly Staff Spinning. - Michelle